Dr. Maylin Batista – Board of Advisors, Dean of Students, Instructor - Hypnotherapy and Sexuality

dr batista

Phone 1: 786 288 3761
Miami Lakes, FL
Contact Dr. Batista

Dr. Maylin Batista, LMHC, is a Certified Hypnotherapist by The National Board of Professional Standards of Hypnosis Education and is a Certified Hypnotist by The National Guild of Hypnotists. She has been a Neuro Linquistic Programming (NLP) Trainer and Practitioner since 2007 from the National Federation of NLP.

Dr. Batista is trained in Reiki and other holistic modalities, which makes her sessions and consultations an invaluable source of healing. Her lectures and workshops on Self Hypnosis, Hypnosis and Addictions, Hypnosis and Sexuality, NLP, and past life regressions are wonderful tools for personal transformation.

Dr. Batista was born in Cuba and currently lives in the United States. Her passion is coaching, teaching, and healing, which she combines in her private practice, Intent Therapy LLC, in Miami, Florida.


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Contact Us

9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205 | Miami Shores | FL 33138

(305) 891-1827
