Hypnotherapy and Sexuality

  HYPNOfront6 1FINALJoin 2024  trainings starting in January and June!

Classes take place over - 5 day session (Part 1)  and then one day per month for 5 months.

It is always advantageous for therapists to have a variety of therapeutic interventions in their repertoires. Part 1 of this program will teach students the skills and techniques to use hypnosis to address a wide variety of issues. Part 2 will focus more specifically on implementing hypnotherapy with sexual concerns.

Each part consists  of didactic training and experiential exercises and practice. Students will also practice on their own between Parts 1 and 2. Please review the course descriptions in the catalogue.

Upon completion, students will be certified by a national board. This program may be taken for individual certification or included towards the doctoral degree.

Classes take place online.


Cohort 1
Jan 25- 29, 2024 then 2-8-24, 3-7-24, 4-11-24, 5-9-24, 6-6-24

Cohort 2 
June 13-17, 2024 then 8-15-24, 9-12-24, 10-10-24, 11-7-24, 12-12-24

This program may be taken on its own for Board Certification for a cost of $2,900 or take 10% off if you are an IICS student and taking this as an additional certification.

Register Here!!

All Board approvals of CE Credit Hours are for CEs ONLY, not certifications. Only the Therapist Certification Association Board may certify graduates of our certification programs:


Contact Us

9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205 | Miami Shores | FL 33138

(305) 891-1827
