Clinical Sexology

Clinical Sexology Education

Clinical Sexology Education

The Clinical Sexology component of IICS is required for all students. It is also offered as an individual certification through STTI – the Sex Therapy Certification Association. It provides the education for psychotherapists and other healthcare clinicians to become Board Certified Sex Therapists, Clinical Sexologists, or Sexology Educators. It is a comprehensive program that includes Diagnosis, Treatment, and Research of Sexual Dysfunctions; Sexual Abuse Treatment; Legal, Ethical, and Forensic Issues in Sexuality; Medical Issues Affecting Sexual Functioning; Gender and Orientation; Alternative Lifestyles and Kink; and much more.

The three certification titles are for designation only. The education is the same. Sex Therapists need to be licensed therapists to earn that designation. Clinical Sexologists are other healthcare providers or coaches who have master’s degrees and work with a clinical population. Sexology Educators are teachers and instructors in a variety of settings. Although the education is the same, attention will be paid to each area during the case consultation part of the program.


Specialty Concentrations


You will also choose a specialty from among six options:

 Kink Conscious Therapy,  Transgender Care Therapy,  Hypnotherapy and Sexuality,  Behavioral and Substance Addiction, Certified Sex Offender Therapist and Sexuality & Disabilities Therapy

 One of these is included in your tuition. You may take any or all of them independently to expand your repertoire of therapeutic services and receive a 10% discount.


Once you receive your letter of acceptance to the Ph.D. program, we will send you a full-length application and enrollment agreement and invoice for $600 for your program deposit, which will be counted towards your full tuition. Full tuition is $19,200 with payments spread out from 24-36 months. IITAP and AASECT certified professionals may receive up to $4,000 tuition credit.



Dissertations can seem scary and so we give our students a great deal of support.
Completion of doctoral research in the form of a dissertation or doctoral project is what qualifies you for a PhD. It says that you are an expert in a particular area and that you have contributed something new to the field.

Dissertations and doctoral projects both involve a lot of reading and writing up your findings in the form of a literature review that leads to identifying a missing piece that you, the doctoral student, will fill in. The only difference is a dissertation measures something and a doctoral project creates something.

For example, a dissertation may measure the impact of an external event on the subjects’ sexuality; while a doctoral project may create an intervention that will teach people how to address a problem such as having a transgender parent. Some of our students have created a program specialty, or researched the need for and then translated the sexology program into Spanish. Some of our students have written workbooks for special populations.

Our faculty will guide you through all phases of your research so you can enjoy the process.



The first step is to apply for acceptance into the program. Click HERE to apply for the Ph.D. program or HERE to apply for only the Certification program. Click HERE to see what happens next.

When we receive your application, enrollment agreement, and deposit, we will send you links to all of our resources, class videos, listserv, and online library. We will also put you on the webinar invitation list so you will receive invitations to all Clinical Sexology classes, regardless of which track you chose (Track 1 is Saturday classes and Track 3 is 5-day alternate month classes). You have the option to attend any class, although you will not finish more quickly by mixing them up. It simply allows you to customize your schedule.

Enrollment Times
We have open enrollment, so you are able to begin at any time. You will need to attend all 30 core classes (parts 1 & 2 of each course) and 4 electives of your choice. Click HERE for the class calendar with the course names.

Our classes, whether in person or via webinar, are fully interactive and you will learn from experienced instructors, videos, and guest experts. Group case consultation is held after Saturday classes. Paired supervision/case consultation is scheduled at the consultant’s and students’ convenience.

We know you will enjoy this learning experience as you become an expert in the field of Clinical Sexology!


 IICS Board, Graduation 2022



All Board approvals of CE Credit Hours are for CEs ONLY, not certifications. Only the Therapist Certification Association Board may certify graduates of our certification programs:


Contact Us

9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205 | Miami Shores | FL 33138

(305) 891-1827