IICS Application for Admission
The requirements for admission are:
A Master’s degree in a healthcare-related field with a minimum GPA of 3.0
An official transcript indicating proof of a Bachelor’s degree and transcripts or certificates confirming sixty (60) graduate level credits in a healthcare field.
A license is not required.
After your initial application and acceptance, we will need your official transcripts and two letters of recommendation so you can begin classes.
If you intend on applying for a scholarship you must return scholarship forms and application together.
Click here to download the Scholarship Application.
Please note that the scholarship is intended for those applicants who practice outside of the U.S. where the income is in no way comparable to the U.S. and where there are no educational or clinical providers within 100 miles. This degree will greatly increase the earnings of U.S. and comparably licensed clinicians. IICS is a small, private institution, so we use our limited scholarship money to facilitate sexuality services where truly needed. Thank you.