David Michael Fawcett

fawcett head shot

2004 Ph.D. Clinical Sexology American Academy of Clinical Sexology
1996 M.S.W. Clinical Social Work Florida International University
1993 M. Phil. Anthropology City University of New York Graduate Center
1984 M.A. Anthropology Hunter College (CUNY), New York
1976 B.A. Anthropology Miami University (Ohio)
Advanced Clinical Training (2011 - 2019)
Wellness Institute, Issaquah, Washington
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, (Florida SW6037; California in process)
Certified Sex Therapist (Florida 2628)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Level II Therapist
Diplomate, American Board of Sexology
Reiki Practitioner (Second Degree)
Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist/Certified Hypnotherapist (ACHT)
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT-C)
Archways Community Mental Health Center, Fort Lauderdale, Board of Directors and Chair, (2010- present)
Sunserve, South Florida’s LGBT Social Services Agency, Clinical Advisory Board, (2005- 2018)
The Reunion Project (Long-term Persons Living with HIV), Steering Committee, (2019-present)
2010 National Gay Men's Health Summit, Fort Lauderdale, Program Co-Chair
Broward County Commission on Substance Abuse/ United Way of Broward County, Board of Governors, (2004 – 2016)
“Emerging Issues Task Force” of the Broward County Commission on Substance Abuse, Past Chair, (2009-2010)
HIV/AIDS Program Office, Florida Department of Health - Broward County, Consultant, (2009-2015)
National Association of Social Workers HIV/AIDS Training and Education of Social Workers Project., Washington, D.C., Trainer, (2011-2015)
HIV/AIDS and Mental Health Training Resource Center, Trainer and member, Project Coordinating Committee (SAMHSA-funded), (2015-2017)
2004 “Best Dissertation Research for 2004” by the American Academy of Clinical Sexology
2010 "Who's Who in Florida Prevention" award by the Florida Office of Drug Control
2011 Social Worker of the Year (NASW Broward, Florida Chapter)
2013 Valuing Our Families Professional Award (Sunserve) for service to the LGBT Community
2014 Social Worker of the Year (NASW Broward, Florida Chapter)
2015 Social Worker of the Year (NASW Broward, Florida Chapter)
2015 Koch Award for Professional of the Year (Broward National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month)
2016 POZ 100 awardee for national leadership and advocacy in HIV/AIDS
2016 “Lust, Men and Meth” awarded Best 2016 Nonfiction Literature by the Editors at POZ
2018 “President’s Award” from NALGAP (The Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Addiction Professionals and Their Allies).
Vice President for Clinical Programming, Seeking Integrity LLC. 2019-present
Design and implement residential programs for fused drug use and sexual behavior. Oversee implementation of residential and IOP programs for drugs, sex and intimacy disorders. Produce blogs, podcasts, webinars and other social media content to promote education and recovery.
Private Psychotherapy and Consulting Practice (South Florida Center for Counseling and Therapy, Inc.), 2000-2018)
Consulting clinical and training practice in Fort Lauderdale specializing in gay and lesbian adult clients with anxiety and depression related to HIV/AIDS, co-occurring substance misuse (focus on stimulants), trauma, and sexual dysfunction.
TheBody.com and TheBodyPRO.com, 2010-2019
Write blogs and articles for both sites; answer questions in "Ask the Expert" forums for both mental health and substance abuse.
Fusion Center (HIV/AIDS Program Office, Broward County Department of Health), 2008-2015
Creator and facilitator of gay men’s “Connections” group which examined health and wellness for gay men and the “Healthy Living” group for gay/bi men living with HIV/AIDS
Archways Behavioral Healthcare Center (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), February, 2001 – 2006
Director of Planning and Evaluation
Pride Institute at Fort Lauderdale Hospital, June 2000 - February 2001
Program Director
Archways Behavioral Healthcare Center (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), January 1995 - 2001
Director of Managed Care
2019 European Chemsex Forum (Paris). Project: Program planning and abstract review for annual
chemsex conference for WHO Europe (includes the European Union and western and central Asia). (2019).
Georgetown University O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law project on HIV and Aging. Provide expert consultation for Congressional white paper to revamp Ryan White funds to provide services for aging persons living with HIV.
Mainline (Netherlands). Project: Ongoing training and consultation in stimulant addiction for Dutch harm-reduction organization. (2018-present).
Sex, Love and Addiction: Healing Conversations for Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Men. Available of all leading podcast platforms.
Chemsex Support Group, Tuesdays at www.intherooms.com .
Addiction and Recovery Q&A at www.sexandrelationshiphealing.com
“Chemsex, HIV and Men Who Have Sex with Men: Essential Clinical Approaches for Social Work Practice.” Professional Association of Social Workers in HIV/AIDS (July 2020).
Chemsex, HIV, and Aging: A Dialogue on Effects and Interventions” (with Mark King). Hosted by National Minority AIDS Council HIV 50+Strong & Healthy Webinars Series. (January 2018).
“Embracing an Unanticipated Life: Promoting Emotional Resilience among Aging PLWHA.” Hosted by National Minority AIDS Council HIV 50+Strong & Healthy Webinars Series. (October 2017).
“Body & Soul: Combatting the dual epidemic of HIV-infection and substance abuse.” Hosted jointly by Professional Association of Social Workers in HIV/AIDS and the ADAP Advocacy Association. (September 2017).
“The Lifesaving Power of Connection.” Positively Aware (May/June 2020).
Promoting Sexual Health in the LGBTQ Community.” (with P. McCabe, M. McMillan. and K. Padilla). Addiction Professional (June 2018).
“Discovering Resilience: Reducing the impact of psychosocial stressors on long-term survivors.” Positively Aware, November/December 2016, p.16.
“Lust, Men, and Meth: A Gay Man’s Guide to Sex and Recovery.” Healing Path Press (2015).
“5 Ways to Stay Strong: How Charlie Sheen’s Disclosure Affects People Living with HIV.” Huffington Post Gay Voices (November 20, 2015)
Co-Producer, Crystal City. A documentary film following several gay men and their recovery from crystal meth. Release date 2019. Numerous awards including NBC News naming it among “Top 20 LGBT Films/Television of 2019.”
Invited panelist for SAMHSA’s “Road to Recovery” television and radio show for National Recovery Month. Topic: Family recovery: prevention and treatment approaches for diverse families. (Released July, 2016) https://www.recoverymonth.gov/road-to-recovery/tv-series/july-2016-family-recovery.
Clinical expert for “HIV an Aging Toolkit” produced by SAMHSA’s “HIV/AIDS and Mental Health Training and Resource Center.” Featured in numerous video clips for toolkit on following topics related to HIV/AIDS: life transitions and social challenges; co-occurring issues; depression, anxiety and substance use. Available at: https://hivmentalhealth.edc.org/toolkits/hiv-and-aging-toolkit.

  • Presenter: C4 Cape Cod Symposium (via video due to coronavirus)
    Topic: Chemsex: Essential Clinical Approaches for Fused Drug Use and Sexual Behavior (Fall 2020)
  • Presenter: International Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (webinar due to coronavirus)
    Topic: Seeking Intensity After Trauma: Understanding Chemsex, the Paired Use of Drugs & Sex (September 2020)
  • Presenter: NAADAC (webinar due to coronavirus)
    Topic: Chasing Intensity: Stimulants, Sex, and the Search for Connection (Fall 2020)
  • Presenter: C4 WCSAD (via video due to coronavirus)
    Topic: Chemsex: Essential Clinical Approaches for Fused Drug Use and Sexual Behavior (Fall 2020)


  • Keynote: CCAPP’S Muticultural Conference (via video due to coronavirus)
    Topic: Understanding Chemsex: Treating the Addictive Fusion of Sex and Drugs”
    (July 2020)
  • Keynote: Finding Freedom LGBTQ+ Addictions Conference (Palm Springs, CA)
    Topic: Embracing an Unanticipated Life: Resilience, Connection and Lifelong Recovery in the LGBTQ Community (January 2020)
  • Invited speaker: NMAC Biomedical HIV Prevention Conference (Houston, TX)
    Topic: Meth, Sex, Minorities and Power (December 2019)
  • Keynote: Los Angeles Gay Psychotherapy Association Annual Conference (Los Angeles, CA)
    Topic: Best Practices for Fused Drug Use and Sex (November 2019)
  • Austin 12 Step Roundup (Austin, TX)
    Topic: Untangling Meth, Sex and Intimacy (July 2019)
  • Gay and Sober Men Conference – World Pride (New York, NY)
    Topic: Sex and Recovery (June 2019)
  • Kind Clinic (Austin, TX)
    Topic: Drugs, Sex and HIV: Escaping the Perfect Storm (June 2019)
  • Florida 12 Step Roundup (Miami, FL)
    Topic: Meth, Sex, and Recovery (March 2019)
  • Presenter: Finding Freedom Conference (Palm Springs, CA)
    Topic: Chasing Intensity: Stimulants, Sex, and the Search for Intimate Connection in the LGBTQ Community. (January 2019).
  • Co-Presenter with Mark King: Ontario HIV Treatment Network (Toronto, Canada)
    Topic: Chemsex, HIV and Aging: A Revealing Dialog on Risks and Interventions (December 2018).
  • Presenter and Organizer: NYC Community Meth Forum (ACT UP and NYC Health Department).
    Topic: The fusion of meth and sex: implications for health, harm reduction, and recovery. (November 2018).
  • Presenter: Stimulant Summit 2018 (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
    Topic: Untangling Meth, Sex and Intimacy: Skills for Clinical Practice (November 2018)
  • Presenter: US Conference on AIDS (Orlando, FL)
    Topic: Aging, HIV and Emotional Resilience: Skills to Improve Quality of Life (September 2018).
  • Presenter: National Conference on Alcohol and Addictions (Anaheim, CA)
    Topic: Embracing Healthy Sexuality (as part of all day NALGAP program “Sexuality and Recovery.”
  • Presenter: Wellness Institute Heart Centered Therapies Conference (Cleveland, OH)
    Topic: Addiction, Resilience and Heart-Centered Therapy (August 2018).
  • Presentations and consultations on chemsex treatment (London, UK)
    56 Dean Street (NHS Gay Men’s Health Clinic) and HIV/Sexual Health Psychological Medicine Unit, Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust. (July 2018).
  • Presenter: Chemsex Behandeln/Chemsex Treatment (Utrecht, Netherlands)
    Topic: “Treatment of Chemsex Among Men Who Have Sex with Men” (June 2018).







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