Dr. Calista Powell - Instructor

Yulinda Rahmen

Calista is a full time pelvic floor physiotherapist with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and a Masters Degree in Physical Therapy. While in physiotherapy school she obtained her Post-Graduate Certificate in Sexual Health and her Internal Pelvic Health Certification. Since graduating she has taken educational courses in sexual pain, pelvic health and pediatrics. She is acupuncture certified and has training in the practice of visceral manipulation.

Calista over the last year increased her education and knowledge base in the area of transgender health and how this relates to pelvic health and physiotherapy. Calista is passionate about pelvic health and sexual heath and educating others on the ways they intersect. She graduated with her PhD in Clinical Sexology through the International Institute of Clinical Sexology in 2022.





All Board approvals of CE Credit Hours are for CEs ONLY, not certifications. Only the Therapist Certification Association Board may certify graduates of our certification programs:


Contact Us

9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205 | Miami Shores | FL 33138

(305) 891-1827
