How many of my credits will count towards a Ph.D.?
Credits may be transferred from other institutions, including those from Therapy Certification Training (TCA). IICS will accept up to 27 credits, or 80 class hours, from a non-TCA clinical sexology institution. The IICS President will complete a transcript analysis and evaluate how many and which credits may be transferred.
For CSATs, 20 credits may be transferred from their IITAP credit towards the Behavioral & Substance Addiction specialty. Both academic and financial credit will apply.
For applicants with AASECT credits, these may apply towards the Clinical Sexology Education portion of the program both academically and financially.
As a CSAT, you know that one of the biggest limitations and criticisms you face is not having sexology training and experience. Good news! You may take all your sexology training and supervision/case consultation via live webinar with the Sex Therapy Training Institute.

How many more classes will I need?
The IICS program has three sections: Clinical Sexology (54 credits), Specialty Concentration (20 credits), and the Dissertation/Doctoral Project (22 credits). If you are transferring 20 credits from your IITAP-approved training, you will need 54 credits in Clinical Sexology and the credits from your Dissertation/Doctoral Project. Your CSAT credits will count as your Specialty Concentration. You will still need to attend the monthly classes.
You may transfer up to 27 credits from your AASECT-approved training, and will need the additional credits in Clinical Sexology and the credits from your chosen specialty and your dissertation.
If you are both AASECT and IITAP certified and took your sexology training at a non-TCA institution, you may choose to apply the credits as you like. For instance, transfer up to 27 Clinical Sexology credits (if deemed eligible) and then complete training in a TCA Specialty Concentration other than addiction.

What will my tuition cost?
We will apply up to $4,000 credit towards the $19,200 tuition if you transfer your IITAP or AASECT credits or other sexology credits. We will evaluate your transcripts and provide you with an analysis and confirmation of transferable credit.

All Board approvals of CE Credit Hours are for CEs ONLY, not certifications. Only the Therapist Certification Association Board may certify graduates of our certification programs:


Contact Us

9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205 | Miami Shores | FL 33138

(305) 891-1827
