Sexuality & Disabilities Therapy



61 million Americans and approximately one billion people world-wide live with some form of disability that limits one or more major life activities. Despite civil rights successes such as The American with Disabilities Act, people with disabilities continue to be discriminated against in both public and private life. This comprehensive certification program will enable sexuality educators, professionals, and therapists to work with clients as they confront discrimination and accessibility challenges with respect to sexual/gender identity, intimacy, and sexual expression. The program will be taught through the lenses of disability rights and disability justice, orienting students to the broad range of sexuality related challenges that can occur for people with disabilities across the lifespan. Specific topics discussed include sexual ableism and its intersection with disability movements, how various disabilities affect the physiology of sexual functioning, sexual communication barriers and their impact on sexual consent, and ethical concerns in working with disabled clients across the lifespan. The program is meant for both seasoned practitioners seeking more disability focused training and early career sexuality practitioners seeking specialization in disability-focused care.

 There will be 10 in total on the following dates:

Supervision will be held from 10am -12 before each class.

2025 Cohort Begins June 22, 2025



Cheryl Cohen-Greene

I am a Certified Clinical Sexologist, with a doctorate in Human Sexuality, a 20 year member of the San Francisco Sex Information Training Staff, and have been a surrogate partner for over 49 years. I believe that, for most of us, our Sexuality is a very important part of our lives throughout our entire life. Consensual sexual intimacy, in whatever form works for each of us, contributes to our overall health. As we age so does our Sexuality. It will change in different ways for each of us due to ageing, illness, injury, surgery, medication, and loss of a long time partner due to death or separation. Many of us have been taught by our culture etc. that older folks, (60 and older) don't / shouldn't have sex. And that's simply not true. In my work as a Surrogate Partner Therapist I help assist individuals and couples who desire to enhance their concept of their own sexuality as their bodies age and change. We all need some help making our desires and needs met through better sexual communication, relaxation and touch.


Isabel Perez

Isabel is a licensed school psychologist, lisenced mental health counselor, master addiction professional, board certified neuropsychologist, and heart-centered hypnotherapist currently completing her PhD in Sex Therapy with a specialization in addiction. She has been serving in Miami-Dade County since 1996 with a focus on concussion, traumatic brain injury, and  neurological disorders

Lourdes E Rios

I’m a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Board Certified Sex Therapist. I have worked in the medical field for over twenty-five years in different capacities that range from bedside nursing, leadership, and Case management. During my time as a counselor, I have worked in the field of Cognitive and Emotional Wellness with Trauma, Anxiety, Addictions, Relationship Issues , Women's Issues, Men's Issues, Parenting Problems and Difficulties, Divorce, and Sexuality. Currently I’m a Doctoral Candidate in Sexology at IICS.

Dr. Marilyn Volker ED,D ; PhD Sexologist

Marilyn Volker, sexuality educator for the past fifty (50) years, is a Diplomat of the American Board of Sexology (ABS) and an Associate Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Sexologists (AACS) and certified by the International Transgender Certification Association (ITCA).
She is on the Board and Faculty of the International Transgender Certification Association and the International Institute of Clinical Sexologists. She was/is adjunct faculty of four South Florida universities – University of Miami, Florida International University, Lynn University and St. Thomas University. Dr. Volker trained counselors to become sex therapists through the Modern Institutes of Sex Therapy in Boca Raton (formerly the Florida Post-Graduate Sex Therapy Training Institute in West Palm Beach) and Therapy Certification Training. Dr. Volker has served as a sexuality consultant for a variety of addiction/trauma treatment facilities state and nationwide and has written articles for publications addressing sexuality issues in recovery. Dr. Volker has taught sexual health and medicine for three medical schools – University of Miami, Ross University, and Florida International University. Each month, for 8 years, Dr. Volker taught deployed and returning soldiers and their spouses/partners for the Yellow Ribbon Program in Orlando, Florida—“Upbooting Your Relationships” & “Rebooting Your Relationships” and continues to present at VA conferences regarding sexuality & intimacy.

Certified Sex Offender Therapy

Certified Sex Offender Therapist

CSOTsunrisesmallCheck out the calendar for next class!!
Therapy Certification Training (TCT) offers a Certified Sex Offender Therapist (CSOT) training. The CSOT Program provides 60 hours of comprehensive education for certification to evaluate and treat court-ordered juvenile and adult sex offenders. Classes are presented by ZOOM video webinar. This opens the opportunity for world-wide participation in the training for the CSOT Program.
The CSOT training is also part of the International Institute of Clinical Sexology (IICS) doctoral program. As you work towards your certification you will also earn a certification in Sex Therapy and your Ph.D.

The CSOT Program meets the 60 hours of comprehensive training required by the State of Florida and 50 hours of supervision. Students will need to check the requirements of their home states and TCT will attempt to incorporate additional coursework into the program if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q- What is a Sex Offender Therapist?
A- A therapist working and interested in working in this field who will be providing services to individuals who have sexually acted out in an inappropriate manner. The title itself can be deceiving as not every individual referred will be a “sex offender” as defined legally. The sex offender therapist should be prepared to work with individuals and their families in a broader sense; such as,

a. Healthy Sexuality
b. Sexual Contact with Animals
c. Sexual Contact with Children (adult and child on child cases)
d. Incest
e. Sexual Contact with Other Family Members
f. Sexual Assault and Battery
g. Child Pornography
h. Prostitution
i. Sexting
j. Non-offending minor-attracted persons (MAPs)
k. and other inappropriate sexual behaviors

Q- How are clients referred to treatment?
A- The vast majority will be court ordered to attend and are referred through probation. The minority may be referred from Children’s Services, Diversion Programs (court or state attorney), and Civil Court.
a. If you are in private practice, some individuals who have finished probation may seek you out for continued services.
b. Attorney’s both for Prosecution and Defense may refer individuals for forensic evaluations.

Please note- The nature of sex offending will almost always lead to a report to children services and/or law enforcement. The expectation of working with this population should be understood clearly. 90 % of this population, if not more, will be mandated by an entity.

Q- Should I already be working with sex offenders before taking this program?
A- No. While it is not necessary for therapists to be actively working with Sexual Offenders, it may be helpful. Each State has its own requirements in order to hold oneself out as a qualified practitioner to work with Sex Offenders. For example, The State of Florida requires 2000 post degree hours of supervision. For the initial 50, a qualified supervisor must be present during the evaluation/risk assessment or treatment. All 2000 hours must be with sexual offenders. It is important to know what your State requires.

Q- If I live in Florida and do not have my 2000 hours, am I still able to work with Sex Offenders?
A- Yes. Under supervision. Once you have completed your hours, you are no longer required to be supervised.
B- Please note- There are some Federal Contracts (in Florida) in which you are required to have completed all hours before working with Adult Sex Offenders.
Additional Information

Therapists taking this program will be certified as meeting all Florida Statutory -required classes- Additional Supervision Hours Apply for Florida
If a therapist is coming from another State, they will receive certification having completed the most current researched and evidenced-based classes. Therapists who complete this program in its entirety will be a Certified Sex Offender Therapist. It is important to note; Therapists must follow their respective State laws to hold themselves out as a sex offender therapist without supervision.





Specialty Concentration Overview

The IICS doctoral program consists of three parts – Clinical Sexology Education, a Specialty concentration related to sexology, and a dissertation or doctoral capstone project.

Students may choose from the list of available Specialty concentrations. Currently, they are Behavioral & Substance Addiction, Kink Conscious Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Sexuality, Transgender Care, Sex Offender Therapy and Sexuality and Disabilities.

All of these Specialty Concentrations will lead to certifications, as well as fulfill the requirement towards a doctoral degree.

They may also be taken individually for certification separate from the PhD program. Please refer to for more information or to register for a program.

Doctoral students who wish to take more than one specialty will take 10% off the registration fee for the additional program.

Click on each of the following for more information:

Behavioral & Substance Addiction Therapy
Kink Conscious Education
Hypnotherapy and Sexuality
Transgender Care 
Certified Sex Offender Therapist
Sexuality and Disabilities Therapy 

Clinical Sexology

stti 330

Clinical Sexology Education

The Clinical Sexology component of IICS is required for all students. It is also offered as an individual certification through STTI – the Sex Therapy Certification Association. It provides the education for psychotherapists and other healthcare clinicians to become Board Certified Sex Therapists, Clinical Sexologists, or Sexology Educators. It is a comprehensive program that includes Diagnosis, Treatment, and Research of Sexual Dysfunctions; Sexual Abuse Treatment; Legal, Ethical, and Forensic Issues in Sexuality; Medical Issues Affecting Sexual Functioning; Gender and Orientation; Alternative Lifestyles and Kink; and much more.

The three certification titles are for designation only. The education is the same. Sex Therapists need to be licensed therapists to earn that designation. Clinical Sexologists are other healthcare providers or coaches who have master’s degrees and work with a clinical population. Sexology Educators are teachers and instructors in a variety of settings. Although the education is the same, attention will be paid to each area during the case consultation part of the program.


Specialty Certification

You will also choose a specialty from among six options:

 Kink Conscious Therapy,  Transgender Care Therapy,  Hypnotherapy and Sexuality,  Behavioral and Substance Addiction, Certified Sex Offender Therapist and Sexuality & Disabilities Therapy

 One of these is included in your tuition. You may take any or all of them independently to expand your repertoire of therapeutic services and receive a 10% discount.


Once you receive your letter of acceptance to the Ph.D. program, we will send you a full-length application and enrollment agreement and invoice for $600 for your program deposit, which will be counted towards your full tuition. Full tuition is $19,200 with payments spread out from 24-36 months. IITAP and AASECT certified professionals may receive up to $4,000 tuition credit.



Dissertations can seem scary and so we give our students a great deal of support.
Completion of doctoral research in the form of a dissertation or doctoral project is what qualifies you for a PhD. It says that you are an expert in a particular area and that you have contributed something new to the field.

Dissertations and doctoral projects both involve a lot of reading and writing up your findings in the form of a literature review that leads to identifying a missing piece that you, the doctoral student, will fill in. The only difference is a dissertation measures something and a doctoral project creates something.

For example, a dissertation may measure the impact of an external event on the subjects’ sexuality; while a doctoral project may create an intervention that will teach people how to address a problem such as having a transgender parent. Some of our students have created a program specialty, or researched the need for and then translated the sexology program into Spanish. Some of our students have written workbooks for special populations.

Our faculty will guide you through all phases of your research so you can enjoy the process.



The first step is to apply for acceptance into the program. Click HERE to apply for the Ph.D. program or HERE to apply for only the Certification program. Click HERE to see what happens next.

When we receive your application, enrollment agreement, and deposit, we will send you links to all of our resources, class videos, listserv, and online library. We will also put you on the webinar invitation list so you will receive invitations to all Clinical Sexology classes, regardless of which track you chose (Track 1 is Saturday classes and Track 3 is 5-day alternate month classes). You have the option to attend any class, although you will not finish more quickly by mixing them up. It simply allows you to customize your schedule.

Enrollment Times
We have open enrollment, so you are able to begin at any time. You will need to attend all 30 core classes (parts 1 & 2 of each course) and 4 electives of your choice. Click HERE for the class calendar with the course names.

Our classes, whether in person or via webinar, are fully interactive and you will learn from experienced instructors, videos, and guest experts. Group case consultation is held after Saturday classes. Paired supervision/case consultation is scheduled at the consultant’s and students’ convenience.

We know you will enjoy this learning experience as you become an expert in the field of Clinical Sexology!


 IICS Board, Graduation 2022



Behavioral & Substance Addiction Therapy

This program embraces not all substance and behavioral addiction, including sex and porn addiction. It is based on the premise that the true drug of addiction is stimulation and that the brain seeks what provides that stimulation and that becomes the drug of choice, whether it is gambling, sugar, cocaine, or a sexual behavior. In short, sex addiction is about addiction, not sex.

However, sexual behaviors that become the addict brain’s drug of choice do present some unique treatment challenges and these are explored in depth.

This program includes content that will prepare students to take the ICRC exam for certification in their state or country and also to practice with a degree of competence and expertise that will meet ethical guidelines in all disciplines.

Students will attend classes one Friday per month for a year and will also complete independent study assignments including viewing videos, attending 12-Step meetings, and writing treatment plans.

This specialty may be taken within the doctoral program or on its own. Course descriptions are included in the catalogue.

Class descriptions and schedule



Transgender Care


Upcoming Transgender Care Training!!

2025 Training

February 20-23, 2025 (Part 1) & March 27-30, 2025 (Part 2)

Gender dysphoria, gender identity disorder, gender-fluid, and gender non-conforming are just some of the terms people who identify as other than non-binary use.

This program will prepare clinicians to work with this diverse population. Very few therapists have the knowledge or experience to deal with the issues specific to transgender clientele and to help them navigate transition challenges.

In addition to assisting clients with their personal gender identity exploration and transition, therapists have the responsibility to write letters of recommendation for hormone therapy and surgical interventions. This provides an opportunity for therapists to create a niche practice while helping a population that is underserved geographically, therapeutically, and medically.

This program is held both via webinar and in person in two 4-day parts. There is a case consultation component and students will be required to write a letter of recommendation for review. Students taking the program for doctoral credit will need to engage in a transgender community activity of their choice or development for independent study credit.

Clinicians may also take this program for individual certification as Transgender Care Therapists or Professionals.

Course descriptions may be found in the IICS catalogue.

$2,900 for the 8 day training! Earn up to  56 CE credits.

Find out more and REGISTER HERE!!

All training will take place Via Live Webinar!

Workshops  and Training can also be attended via live webinar from anywhere!!




Continuing Education provided by Dr. Carol L. Clark.
Florida Department of Health, Medical Quality Assurance Provider #50-550/BAP585.
Dr. Carol L. Clark is an approved CEU provider for the Florida Board of Nursing, expires 10/25,
Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling, expires 3/25
Florida Board of Psychology, expires 5/26
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) #11-112B These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification.
All ATTI classes are approved by the Florida Certification Board #5094-A
Dr. Carol L. Clark is approved under FL DOH/MQA to provide sex therapy and hypnotherapy CEUs.
Dr. Carol L. Clark, DBA Therapy Certification Training has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6856. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Dr. Carol L. Clark, DBA Therapy Certification Training is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Hypnotherapy and Sexuality

  HYPNOfront6 1FINALJoin 2024  trainings starting in January and June!

Classes take place over - 5 day session (Part 1)  and then one day per month for 5 months.

It is always advantageous for therapists to have a variety of therapeutic interventions in their repertoires. Part 1 of this program will teach students the skills and techniques to use hypnosis to address a wide variety of issues. Part 2 will focus more specifically on implementing hypnotherapy with sexual concerns.

Each part consists  of didactic training and experiential exercises and practice. Students will also practice on their own between Parts 1 and 2. Please review the course descriptions in the catalogue.

Upon completion, students will be certified by a national board. This program may be taken for individual certification or included towards the doctoral degree.

Classes take place online.


Cohort 1
Jan 25- 29, 2024 then 2-8-24, 3-7-24, 4-11-24, 5-9-24, 6-6-24

Cohort 2 
June 13-17, 2024 then 8-15-24, 9-12-24, 10-10-24, 11-7-24, 12-12-24

This program may be taken on its own for Board Certification for a cost of $2,900 or take 10% off if you are an IICS student and taking this as an additional certification.

Register Here!!

Kink Conscious Education

Embark on a transformative journey with our Kink-Conscious Certification Program, designed for graduate-level clinicians who are passionate about advancing their expertise in the vibrant and multifaceted world of Kink and BDSM. Spanning 120 hours of both live and interdependent study, this program offers a deep dive into the rich tapestry of BDSM culture, practices, and dynamics, empowering future sexologists with the knowledge and skills to provide exceptional care and support to individuals within this community.

Our program is more than an academic endeavor; it is an invitation to explore the depths of human sexuality, power, and connection through a kink-conscious lens. You will engage with thought-provoking content, from the historical roots of BDSM to contemporary practices, all while challenging and expanding your own perceptions and biases. The curriculum is crafted to foster a nuanced appreciation of the complexities and significance of BDSM in modern society, making it a perfect fit for both dissertation research and standalone certification.

With an emphasis on inclusivity, empathy, and ethical practice, this program prepares you to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the Kink/BDSM community. You will learn to respect and honor the diverse identities, experiences, and boundaries of individuals, ensuring your approach is always informed, affirming, and consensual. Through reflective exercises, practical strategies, and critical analysis, you will develop the cultural competency necessary to create safe, supportive environments for all clients, regardless of their background or preferences.

All Board approvals of CE Credit Hours are for CEs ONLY, not certifications. Only the Therapist Certification Association Board may certify graduates of our certification programs:


Contact Us

9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205 | Miami Shores | FL 33138

(305) 891-1827